Bots don’t just capture and process information: they interact with their users, and some are even able to speak. These characteristics are at the heart of the interest they arouse in mental health, particularly for autism spectrum disorders and pathologies linked to aging.
But, by communicating with us, robots can also create the illusion that they care about us, while they remain simulating machines, without emotion or pain, permanently connected to their manufacturer to whom they transmit the data. of our personal lives.
Can robots become therapeutic aids? This book reviews current scientific research on robots serving patients, and their ethical implications. He asks the question today: what robots do we want for tomorrow?
Serge Tisseron and Frédéric Tordo founded the Institute for the Study of Human-Robot Relations (IERHR) in 2013.
Publisher : ERES (31 May 2018)
Language : French
Paperback : 208 pages
ISBN-10 : 2749258707
ISBN-13 : 978-2749258706
Dimensions : 12 x 1.4 x 20 cm
Best Sellers Rank: 2,428,928 in Foreign Language Books
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