“After Life” is a collection of digital animated illustrations and photography made by artist Steve Bayard on iPhone 7 with a mix of techniques (photography, animation, and layerings) in 2022 in Berlin.
The artworks are animated GIF files with a size of 478px x 840px available only as a 4ART NFT+ with their provenance and original documentation. The research for this collection was based on street art and architectural photography.
These NFT+ are counted as the most interesting art masterpieces of this unique collection. It brings a magic ambiance, as well as a realistic and futuristic vision of architecture to the collection of the owners.
By the way, did you know? Owning an NFT+ from our “After-Life” series will unlock privileges for the owner such as free access to VIP advantages, special invitations for our events and exhibitions, as well as special discounts from our online website and experiences. It brings unforgettable memories back to life when watching it, as well as a realistic and futuristic vision of the conception of wealth and richness in the collection of the owners.
Discover the full collection hereafter.
View from Schillingbrücke1’400.00 CHF
Baumschulenweg‘s cemetary enlightenment1’400.00 CHF