“The Self-Cyborg” is a book by Frédéric Tordo situated in the human and social sciences. The book can be used as personal support for care and health as well as during psychoanalysis.
The connection to technologies (smartphones, video games, artificial prostheses, exoskeletons, etc.) producing real metamorphoses in humans. We observe a transformation of the brain and the nervous system as a whole, and even of the Self.
Neuroscience makes it possible nowadays to understand these phenomena way better than before with this amazing book. But the mutation of the augmented and/or connected man also directly affects his psyche. This is happening at the very first level of the Ego.
A psychic function develops by shoring up on a function of the body (this is the Me-skin of Didier Anzieu), but also by relying on technology, whose functioning is seen transposed on the mental plane. From then on, the ego knows a true extension of its limits.
It is the appearance of the ego-cyborg, a new psychic surface that allows the subject to represent the technological object as a part of himself.
In psychopathology, the cyborg ego can thus serve as a psychic prosthesis to compensate for poorly organized, deficient, or unstructured psychic functions.
These are all these new transformations that are deciphered in this book, which is based on numerous theoretical and clinical types of research.
The work is beautifuly prefaced by Serge Tisseron, with an afterword by Bernard Andrieu.
Summary of the book:
Preface (Serge Tisseron): Psychoanalysis facing the technological challenge.
Foreword: New Human Vocabulary. The cyborg, the man permanently connected to the machine.
1. The Self-cyborg. Cyborg vicariance. The notion of Self-cyborg
2. Psychogenesis of the Self-cyborg. The notion of Me-cyborg. From the Mother-Child dyad to the dyad with technology. The internal dyad of the cyborg-ego
3. The functions of the cyborg-ego Capacity and Increase. Maintenance and Self-maintenance of the psyche. Support of Identity and the Feeling of existence. Excitation barrier. Reflexivity and self-empathy. Inscription of psychic traces. Awakening and support of sexuality.
4. The fantasies of the ego-cyborg. The primary fantasy of skin is shared with technology. The secondary fantasies of the ego-cyborg.
5. Psychopathology of the ego-cyborg. The ego-cyborg, as a psychic prosthesis. The ego-cyborg, as a psychic orthosis.
General conclusion.
Afterword (Bernard Andrieu): Hybridism of the Ego-Cyborg.
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